Dynamic Visual Scoring Calculator

A dynamically adjustable scoring calculator with a lighthouse style data visualization. Get a score between 0 to 100 from data, with dynamically adjustable target value, a from -5 to +5 adjustable bias , and a self adjusting weighting system. Optionally the weights can be entered manually to the wished percentages, by clicking on the gear icon in the weighting column. This Scoring Calculator basically scores a point in time, of which static data points are available, with the option for the front end user to adjust the scoring based on preference and current situation. Further more every category can be assigned a different scoring method, which allows for even grater accuracy.
The flexibility carries on even when integrating this scoring calculator on the front end with support for all major JavaScript frameworks plus Vanilla Javascript Including a universal Web Components Version. The Modules written for Web Components, React, Vue or Angular may behave different in some cases. But overall the Framework of choice makes no difference, they have all the same end result...

Demo 1 - Vanilla JavaScript

This Demo has the minimum amount of CSS and is written in 100% vanilla JavaScript.

Category Value Target Value Bias Weighting Score
Show the configuration for this example
let data = [20, 23, 80, 2];
let config = {
  categoryCount: 4, // number of category
  categoryNames: ["Time", "Cost", "Efficiency", "Personell"], //category title to display
  categoryUnits: ["s", "€", "%", "P"], // category unit to display
  categoryTargets: [10, 20, 100, 0], // target value to which a data Point in the data set should converge
  categorySteps: [1, 0.01, 0.01, 1], //how big on step on the slider should be
  categoryDirections: [1, 1, -1, 1], // 1: data point > target value; -1: data point < target value
  categoryGrains: [1, 1, 1, 1], //(g > 0) && (if categoryValue == targetValue + categoryGrain => categoryScore = 500
  categoryEvaluations: ["linear", "linear", "linear", "linear"], // how should the score of a category be calculated
  categoryWeightPresets: [25, 25, 25, 25], // presets
  categoryColors: ["#ff0000", "#ff7b00", "#ffbb00", "#00dfba", "#127efa", "#8921ff", "#d500e9"], // define the circle colors

Demo 2 - Web Component (Vanilla JavaScript)

In this example some imaginary Monitor is being scored. Using The Web Components Method is the easiest way to get this Scoring Calculator onto a Website

For using web components all that needs to be done is shown in the next example. The configuration is directly passed on via the HTML properties. Everything is being handled via attributes applied on the scoring-calc-category html element. Even accessing any value via JavaScript is possible

Show configuration for this example <script src="DVSC.js" defer></script>
  <scoring-calc-category number="0" rowName="Resolution" unit="px" value="1080" target="1440" step="1" direction="-1"
    evaluation="linear" bias="2" weight="39.72519332681899" score="500" color="#FF1D15" grain="100">
  <scoring-calc-category number="1" rowName="Size" unit="in" value="24" target="27" step="0.5" direction="-1"
    evaluation="linear" bias="-1" weight="16.693640030592356" score="500" color="#0075FF" grain="1">
  <scoring-calc-category number="2" rowName="Refresh Rate" unit="Hz" value="75" target="90" step="1" direction="-1"
    evaluation="quad" bias="1" weight="13.247233998615995" score="500" color="#61E786" grain="5">
  <scoring-calc-category number="3" rowName="Color Accuracy" unit="%" value="96" target="99" step="0.1" direction="-1"
    evaluation="linear" bias="0" weight="10.1807772250803" score="500" color="#FCC217" grain="1">
  <scoring-calc-category number="4" rowName="Cost" unit="$" value="105" target="90" step="0.01" direction="1"
    evaluation="cube" bias="-2" weight="20.153155418892357" score="500" color="#34F6F2" grain="20">
Show Documentation let dvsc = document.querySelector("scoring-calc");
Property Usage Example Output Definition
categoryBiases dvsc.categoryBiases [0, 0, 1, 0, -2] Returns an Array of the current bias slider input values
categoryColors dvsc.categoryColors ['#FF1D15', '#0075FF', '#61E786', '#FCC217', '#34F6F2'] Returns an array filled with every scoring-calc-category color property
categoryCount dvsc.categoryCount 5 Returns an the total number of categories
categoryDirections dvsc.categoryDirections [-1, -1, -1, -1, 1] Returns an array filled with all scoring-calc-category direction properties
categoryEvaluations dvsc.categoryEvaluations ['default', 'linear', 'quadratic', 'cube', 'ERF'] Returns an array filled with all scoring-calc-category evaluation properties
categoryGrains dvsc.categoryGrains [400,3, 7.5, 1, 20] Returns an array filled with all scoring-calc-category color properties
categoryNames dvsc.categoryNames ['Resolution','Size', 'Refresh Rate', 'Color Accuracy', 'Cost'] Returns an array filled with all scoring-calc-category rowname properties
categoryNumbers dvsc.categoryNumbers [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] Returns an array filled with all scoring-calc-category number properties
categoryScores dvsc.categoryScores [500,949.99, 315.5, 31.49, 912.51] Returns an array filled with all scoring-calc-category score properties
categorySteps dvsc.categorySteps [1, 3, 5, 0.1, 0.01] Returns an array filled with all scoring-calc-category step properties
categoryTargets dvsc.categoryTargets [1440, 27, 90, 99, 90] Returns an array filled with all current scoring-calc-category target properties
categoryUnits dvsc.categoryUnits ['px', 'in', 'Hz', '%', '$'] Returns an array filled with all scoring-calc-category unit properties
categoryValues dvsc.categoryValues [1080, 24, 75, 96, 105] Returns an array filled with all scoring-calc-category value properties
categoryWeights dvsc.categoryWeights [39.725, 16.693, 13.247, 10.180, 20.153] Returns an array filled with all current scoring-calc-category weight properties
elements dvsc.elements [scoring-calc-category, scoring-calc-category, ...] Returns a HTMLCollection of all children html elements of the parent scoring-calc html element
score dvsc.score 58.61188808308917 Returns the total current score
Method Usage Example Output Definition
dump dvsc.dump() {elements: HTMLCollection(5), categoryCount: 5, categoryNumbers: Array(5), …} Returns a Object with every property and its values

Demo 3 - React Component (JSX)

In React the configuration is contained by an object and passed to the component via the config property

Show configuration for this example

This is an example on how the implementation in React would look like:*
* This example would only work with an installed npm version of react. The source code of this demo page uses the CDN version of React and is therefore adjusted

import React from "react";
import DynamicVisualScoringCalculator from "./DynamicVisualScoringCalculator";

function MyComponent() {
let DVSC = {
    categoryBias : [0,0,0,0,0],
    categoryColors: ["#FF1D15", "#0075FF", "#61E786", "#ffbb00", "#AA3E98", "#AA3E98", "#34F6F2"], // define the circle colors
    categoryCount: 5,// number of category
    categoryDirections: [-1, 1, 1, -1, -1],// 1: data point > target value; -1: data point < target value
    categoryEvaluations: ["lin", "quad", "quad", "linear", "cube"], // how should the score of a category be calculated
    categoryGrains: [15, 5, 5, 40,10],// fine tune to the acceptable difference between data point and target value
    categoryNames: ["Menu", "Cost", "Waiting Time", "Ambiance", "Taste"],//category title to display
    categoryNumbers: [0,1,2,3,4],
    categoryScores: [500,500,500,500,500],
    categorySteps: [10, 0.01, 1, 10, 1],//how big on step on the slider should be
    categoryTargets: [100, 15, 5, 100, 100],// target value to which a data Point in the data set should converge
    categoryUnits: ["%", "€", "min", "%","%"],// category unit to display
    categoryValues: [70,12,5,60,80],
    categoryWeights: [20.00, 20.00, 20.00, 20.00,20.00], // presets

return (<DynamicVisualScoringCalculator config={DVSC} />); }

export default MyComponent;


To calculate a single categoryScore, the main principle is the difference between the categoryTarget and the actual categoryValue. Things to note for the user adjustable properties are as follows:

Things to note for the static properties are as follows: